I am half Irish, thanks to my mother’s side of the family.  Her last name begins with “O’, ” just to give you a sense of how Irish she is.  Every year, growing up, we’d have Corned Beef and Cabbage around Saint Patrick’s Day. But since moving away from home, it’s become harder to keep up the tradition (Saint Patrick’s Day isn’t exactly a holiday you go home for).

When I made my travel plans to go home a few weeks back, my mom told me (enthusiastically) that she’d be making Corned Beef and Cabbage for our visit.  I didn’t think much of it at the time, I was just looking forward to any form of my mother’s cooking.  But this past Saturday, as we sat down to enjoy this timeless Irish meal, I was quickly reminded of how much I love this dish.  Corned beef and cabbage is a prime reminder that in cooking, simplicity is often best. And when paired with nostalgic memories of your childhood, well, that’s even better.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

  1. Ivan

    Corned beef and cabbage is a truly underrated dish. Looks awesome.

  2. Ivan

    Corned beef and cabbage is a truly underrated dish. Looks awesome.

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