It’s no surprise we’ve got quite a few blogger crushes around CC headquarters. We’re constantly inspired and in awe of what our internet gal pals are cooking up online. In order to channel that admiration, we’ve dreamed up a new monthly series, ‘Girl Crush’, which will feature our favorite online ladies and allow us all to get to know them a bit better! We’re kicking things off with the lovely Christin who pens With a CH.
Where’d you grow up? I grew up in a suburb of San Francisco called Danville. Our claims to fame include Captain Sully and Bridges, the restaurant in Mrs Doubtfire.
What do you love most about living in NYC? That my groceries are delivered to my apartment. More seriously, there is so much to do, always. And I love that I live so close to Central Park.
We love With a CH- especially your whit and humor. What made you start blogging? One of my best friends told me I should because I was living in LA at the time and doing all these really outlandish things on the regular. So, I took her advice and started my blog. It’s changed a lot since then.
You work for Baublebar! What’s your current role? How’d you get your start there? I do! I’m the Social Media Manager. Grace and I actually met through blogging and that’s how I got the job.
How do you balance work and blogging? That’s a tough one, especially since I also blog for BaubleBar, but I try to keep a running list of ideas and get through it all on the weekends otherwise I won’t get it done.
What’s your morning routine like? Like the Tasmanian devil…
What’s your evening routine like? I usually get home around 7:30. I’ll make dinner and watch one of “my shows” with my boyfriend.
How do you decompress? Cooking, actually. Or slothing around in my USC sweatshirt and Hello Kitty PJ pants.
Your dream weekend involves…naps, naps, a picnic in central park followed by a nap.
Three products you can’t live without: my clairsonic, my all clad pans and my hot tools curling iron. I’m all over the place.
TV addictions: 1600 Penn. Skip is effing hilarious. Best character ever. “Barkeep, I’ll have a bowl of your fruitiest pebbles”
Your guilty pleasure(s): This is hard, because I really don’t care what anyone thinks of me but if I had to pick, maybe how much I love really terrible reality television like the Geordie Shore which is the UK version of Jersey Shore.
Most recent happy purchase: A new vacuum. Yep.
Plans for this summer: I am purchasing all the tickets for Central Park’s summer stage and we’ll do picnics all the time.
Something about your most people wouldn’t realize or know: This is tough, especially since I’m such an open book on my blog. However, I may be excellent at cooking and baking but everything else, I’m not great at. I don’t DIY anything and I cannot sew. I’ve ironed like twice in my life.
Thanks, Christin! We can’t wait to follow your Central Park outings this summer.