I’m not gonna lie, I am so excited to see this week come to a close. It was a doozy! Note to self: preparing for an in home photo shoot will take over your life and take one hundred times longer than you think. That is the truth right there. Anyway… thankfully my weekend has next to nothing on tap except for cozying up with my latest Bon Appétit issues and making lots of soups and stews and warm yummy things for dinner. It finally got cold this week! And I love it. I’m craving things like butternut squash, lasagna, homemade bread… do you feel me? Despite the chaos, here are a few things on my mind this week:

I hope you have an incredibly relaxing weekend- I’m definitely going to be focusing on these practices. Cheers! xx

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  1. I saw that Martha video and while I somewhat agree with her (the people who just repost other’s work is not someone I consider an expert at all), I also had to laugh because Martha herself was self-made with out any background or experience in the things she does and it sure worked out for her!

    PS You now have me craving lasagna too!

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