My dear chocolate peanut butter chip cookies*, you are my favorite thing to photograph.  You are positively glowing against the back drop of my couch side table.  You stack up so nicely! Makes me want another one of you right now. This week has been unusually exhausting, and you’ve provided much needed support.  You’re always there, patiently sitting in a tupperware container on my counter, waiting for me to nibble on you when I get home from work.  I’ll most definitely be making you again!

*I followed this recipe to make these cookies, and used a combo of peanut butter and chocolate chips since that’s what I had on hand.  The unique thing about this recipe is the use of bread floor and the melting (rather than creaming) of the butter.  These tweaks make for a slightly denser, but still moist and chewy cookie. I’ll definitely be experimenting with my flour proportions in the future to perfect my cookie texture.

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